Sunday, November 14, 2010


Haeli invited me to go to boondocks with her and her family. For free! It was so fun we did the bummer cars and laser tag and a photobooth!!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Yay for halloween!! To start off me and my best friend Haeli went to her cousin's for a party. (I went as a nerd) It was pretty good. I dominated in all the games! Jk ha then the next night I helped my dad with his costume then went to the ward party which was so super fun! My mom was sick so i had to take pictures for her and just seeing everyone's costumes was amazing! My dad went as Russell from Up. He took my mom's play house that she made and put it on a a cart and pulled it around with about 45 balloons tied to it. Braden was awesome too. He was covered in silver and on stilts. He was like 10ft all!! So good! and my pumpkin won Best overall and most unique in the pumpkin carving contest! It made me feel super great. Then Haeli and I went back to my house and we learned the Thriller dance haha so funny. Then we went to UVU's halloween dance. (I went as an 80's work out lady and Haeli went as a wild women!) Honestly one of my favorite dances ever!! It was so packed!! OH!! and Kira had Sadies that night. It was so cute! She took a kid named Jonny Du Pre. They looked so cute together! They went as nerds. Aw such a good halloween!!!!!!